Thursday, 4 July 2013

Jamie wins big in France

By Jamie Lowden

Finally stepped up and did an FFC race down. It was 2/3 category but the categories don't really translate all that well - the French have no Elites so it was like a UK 1/2/3 race.
After a bit of messing around getting the right to race (letters from both British cycling and the French Federation not being sufficient) we headed out for 110km with the last 12km up the col d'Ahusquy for my first ever mountain top finish.
Because i was using my UK licence i was in Womble colours - the first LWCC racer on the continent?

The first half of the race was horrible on a flat road with a mean cross-wind and riding in the gutter trying to hang onto the wheel in front. After that there were some hills which were horribly fast and i almost called it a day as we went past my car 30km from the end. Luckily i didn't and a few km after i found myself in a break of 7 with one of the strongest boys in town - this guy Dumont can do 400W for 1h20 and weighs not much more than me and was the massive favorite for the race.

After 20-odd km in the break we had 2 minutes as we hit the climb. The first 5km were at 8% and i managed to stay with Dumont and one other for all of 2km before giving up and dropping back to a couple of other guys. We rode pretty well together and once the worst of the climb was over were not that far back. Some solid efforts over the next 5 flatter kms brought us back to the front two who looked a bit worse for wear.

The last 2km the road ramped up again but this time i was feeling ok and as we saw the last bit to the finish (150m at >20%) I went for it and managed to stay away to take what seems to be a fairly major win.

At the end everyone was proper f*cked but we all had to ride back down this mountain in spitting rain and 8C :)

Hopefully get some more pictures of what was a Joaquim Rodriguez-esque win but for the moment i have only the presentation - certainly the hardest 50 euros i have ever earned in my life.


I look happy to be there even if the podium girl doesn't.

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