Sunday, 27 January 2013

Club Reliability Trial Report by Stuart Anderson

Well, possibly not our most successful day out in term of target times but hopefully reasonably enjoyable (sorry I didn't know about the river crossings)!

Summary statistics:

Of 45 pre-entries, 32 pitched up to the start. There were a further 12 entries on the line which gives a total of 44 starters. 

Road conditions caused failure for most participants with only 21 finishers in the target times.

Group 1 (53 miles in 4 hours) was the most successful with all 6 starters making it in. No-one in Group 3 (53 miles in 3 hours) or Group 5 (35 miles in 2 hours) made it in the target time. Five of the six riders in Group 4 (35 miles in 3 hours) were successful while ten of 21 riders in Group 2 (53 miles in 3 hours 30 mins) achieved their goal.

One participant (Barry Davids) had nasty accident injuring his back and an ambulance was called after he unsuccessfully rode on for a bit. I spoke to him on the phone and he is hopefully on the mend but awaiting an update. A few others had equipment failure in the harsh conditions.

Special thanks to Yuriy (kitchen duty), Richard, Laurie and John (time-keeping and checkpoint), Rob, Chris and Ian (behind the scenes planning), Emma and Pamela (bakery). 

Thanks for your support.